Lyndol Lyons

The business of life is the acquisition of memories. In the end, that's all there is. Writer, spiritualist, mom. Tolerant of people, but prefer animals. Owner of 346 cats in a previous life.

The unvarnished truth about angel number 77 and what it means to you

Seven has always been considered a lucky number, so, if you’re seeing it everywhere and curious as to why you’re in the right place. Angel number 77 is a harbinger for all things good, so if it shows up frequently, know that there’s a divine message for you. What does the message mean? Well, read …

The unvarnished truth about angel number 77 and what it means to you Read More »

14 reasons you keep seeing 222 when thinking of someone

Lately, you’ve been experiencing the weirdest thing. You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about a particular person. That’s what brought you here in the first place, am I right? Well, if this resonates, you’re in the right place. This article takes a look at all the possible reasons you’re seeing this number all …

14 reasons you keep seeing 222 when thinking of someone Read More »

14 no bullsh*t signs he can feel you thinking about him (complete list)

Ever meet a guy who makes you swoon? Someone who can make you laugh and smile at the same time? Someone who instantly makes you feel like you can conquer the world? If so, you’re trawling the net looking for signs that he likes you back! So, if you’re crushing hard on someone, here are …

14 no bullsh*t signs he can feel you thinking about him (complete list) Read More »

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