14 reasons you keep seeing 222 when thinking of someone

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Lately, you’ve been experiencing the weirdest thing.

You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about a particular person.

That’s what brought you here in the first place, am I right?

Well, if this resonates, you’re in the right place. This article takes a look at all the possible reasons you’re seeing this number all over.

Let’s dive in.

But before we do…

Seeing a repeated number sequence is a phenomenon known as an angel number.

We all have guardian angels and granted they can’t simply pop us a text or give us a call when they have a message to convey, they send their messages using numbers and symbols.

Each angel number has a specific meaning and the number 222 is no different, here are possible reasons you keep seeing angel number 222 when thinking of someone.

1) You have a connection with this person.

This number is said to be a sign that you and this person are on a path towards a very close and intimate relationship.

The number 222 is said to be a sign that you and this person are connected in a special way.

When you see the number 222 it is said to be a sign that you are receiving advice and wisdom from this person in a very close relationship with you.

2) This person wants you to know they’re there for you.

The number 222 is said to be a sign that this person is aware of your struggles and will be with you every step of the way.

They might be there because they want to help you out with a project or task. Friends are there to help each other out, right? It doesn’t have to be a serious problem.

They might just want to spend time with you and help you out with a small task. Friends like to spend time with each other, and this is a good thing.

The number 222 is said to be a sign of your soulmate, the one you will spend the rest of eternity with.

You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about your soulmate because it means that you are getting closer to them every day, or so it seems

At least that’s what some believe this angel number means!

3) Get professional guidance.

The points in this article will give you a good idea of what it means to see the number 222 when thinking about someone.

But what if you’d like advice tailored to your unique situation?

A gifted advisor can answer all sorts of questions and give you the guidance you’re searching for.

Like, are they really your soulmate? Are you meant to be with them?

When I spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my relationship, they really helped me out. After months of not feeling like myself, I was finally able to see my situation with better clarity and direction.

Not to mention, I was extremely impressed by how kind, empathetic, and understanding of my unique situation they were.

Click here to get your own reading.

In reading, a gifted advisor can tell you whether you should take action when seeing 222, and most importantly, empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your life.

4) This person has an honest message for you!

Some believe the angel number 222 is a message from God or even your guardian angel telling you to listen to this person’s advice or words because they have something important for you to hear!

If this isn’t the case, it still could mean that there is something important for them to tell you about yourself, so you should listen up!

5) They’re your soulmate!

The number 222 is said to be a sign of your soulmate, the one you will spend the rest of eternity with.

You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about your soulmate because it means that you are getting closer to them every day, or so it seems.

But how can you know for sure you’ve met your soulmate, “the one” you’re supposed to be with?

The truth is:

Unless you know for sure, you could end up wasting emotions and time in a relationship with someone who isn’t right for you.

But what if there was a way to get absolute confirmation?

I’ve just stumbled upon a way to do this…  a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of what your soulmate looks like.

Even though I wasn’t convinced at first, my friend convinced me to try it out a few weeks ago.

Now I know what my soulmate looks like. The crazy thing is, they’ve been right in front of me this whole time.

If you’re ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here.

6) This person wants to tell you their secret.

You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about this person because they want to tell you a secret or belief that they have!

It’s important to them that you know, so don’t be surprised if they share it with you one day soon!

They might do this as a way to test the waters and see how you react. It might be a bit scary for them to tell you something so personal.

However, if you are supportive and non-judgmental, it can help them feel more secure in your relationship.

7) This person is asking for your forgiveness.

Some believed the angel number 222 means that this person has done something wrong and needs your forgiveness before moving on with their life, so try not to judge too quickly if this happens!

Be open to feedback and take time to consider all sides of the situation before responding.

Ask questions to better understand the situation and seek advice from someone you trust if you feel like the situation is too challenging.

8) This person needs to tell you how they feel.

You keep seeing the number 222 when thinking about this person because they need to tell you how they feel, but aren’t sure if it’s the right time or place to do so!

They might be feeling anxious, nervous, or worried about what will happen if they tell you how they feel.

The number 222 can also be telling you that they need some time to think before they tell you how they feel. If this happens, just let them know that you are there if they need to talk.

Be patient and understanding, and be sure to let them know that you are there for them if and when they are ready to talk.

9) This person is ready for a change in their life or their situation!

The number 222 is said to be a message that the person you are thinking of is ready for a change in their life or their situation and it’s up to them whether they will take advantage of it or not.

You keep seeing this angel number when thinking about them because it means you’re connected somehow and should talk about what is going on in both of your lives!

10) Someone has an important message for you from above!

The number 222 is said to be a message from someone who has passed on, meaning they want to tell you something important!

Imagine that one day you suddenly find the number 222 popping up in various places.

You start to wonder if it could be a message from someone who has passed on. You start to think of what you could have done to upset them.

You start to think of how you want to make sure that the next generation of your family has the same values as you.

It could be a message that they are okay or it could be a message from God, but it’s important for you to listen and take it into consideration!

11) You need this person in your life!

The number 222 is said to be a sign that this person is very important in your life and you need them there for support now more than ever! It could also mean that you have been thinking about them lately because you miss them or want their support, so try not to let them down if they’re available for you!

I mentioned earlier how speaking to a gifted advisor can reveal the truth about the meaning of 222.

Rather than just analyzing the signs in the hopes of getting answers, a gifted advisor can give you real clarity on your situation.

And the best part of speaking to the folks at Psychic Source?

Not only can they give you guidance on the action you need to take but they can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your love life.

12) You feel very attached to the person.

…but can’t do anything about it because of all sorts of reasons– for example, he lives too far away and it’s impossible to move him here, or he does not have time for you and walks away when in your presence or all sorts of obstacles.

The number 222 is letting you know that you need to persevere despite any obstacles that may be preventing you from being together.

The obstacles are just temporary and things will get easier.

13) Your opinion of this person has changed lately.

Maybe they have said or done something off-putting and it makes you reconsider the way you feel about them.

When you see angel number 222 know that you are the one who has made this change in your feelings for them.

You have thought about them and made a decision about how you feel. It’s time to let them know.

14) You feel like the feelings you have for this person are not reciprocated.

You love them but they do not love you back and that hurts.

They might not be able to give you the love you desire because of their own issues.

Maybe they are not capable of loving someone; maybe they are in a relationship they do not want to leave; maybe they do not even think you are worthy of their love.

Regardless of their reasons, you have to learn to let go and accept that it is not in their hands to give you the love you want.


Remember that the 222 number appearing alongside thoughts of a specific person, means something and you need to decipher what it means.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. They’ve consistently helped me in the past when I’ve felt stuck in a rut.

That’s why I always recommend them to anyone facing issues when seeing repeated number sequences. Their advisors can help you get to the root of your problems and guide you in making empowered decisions about your future.

When I got recently signed up for a love reading, I was blown away by how kind and genuinely helpful they were. Click here to get your own love reading.

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