15 spiritual signs someone is missing you (no bullsh*t)

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‍Perhaps you’ve heard the saying before: absence makes the heart grow fonder. It’s a cliche that has been around for a long time because it’s true.

When we are away from someone we love, we start to appreciate that person even more.

But sometimes it’s not so easy to tell if the other person is really missing you, I speak from experience.

You see, I was in a situation where I wanted to find out whether the person I used to date had me on their mind a lot.

I researched some signs that they miss me and even talked to a psychic and the results were amazing – they really did miss me a lot!

But let me show you the signs someone misses you so you can evaluate your own situation:

1) You suddenly get intense thoughts about them

When you’re missing someone, you’re constantly thinking about them.

They may pop up at any moment, even when you are doing something completely unrelated.

You may find yourself thinking about the way they look, the sound of their voice, or what they said to you the last time you were together.

You may also find yourself thinking about memories you have with them.

It’s almost as if you can’t get them off your mind.

But did you know that this goes both ways?

You see, when someone thinks about you a lot like that, they are sending out loads of energy in your direction.

They are essentially asking for you to come back into their life.

And this is why so many of these intense thoughts about them come up suddenly and unexpectedly – your subconscious is picking up on that energy!

It’s like the Universe is giving you a sign that they are thinking about you, and through these thoughts, it’s also trying to let you know that they miss you.

In fact, when you suddenly get intense thoughts about them, it’s a sign that they miss you.

Of course, this one is not always easy to spot, because sometimes, we are simply the ones who are thinking about them a lot.

However, if you notice that the thoughts seem to come out of nowhere, without having any reminder of them at that moment – that’s a pretty big clue that they are thinking about you a lot, and that they miss you.

2) You have dreams about them

Dreams are a way of the subconscious mind communicating with us.

If you dream about the person you miss, it often means you are still processing your feelings around that relationship.

Dreams are also a great way to see if you miss someone, as they are filled with intense emotions.

If you dream about the person you used to date, it doesn’t necessarily mean you are still in love with them.

Instead, it could just be your subconscious working through emotions around the relationship and processing what happened.

Now: similar to your thoughts, your dreams can also indicate more about the other person’s feelings than your own!

You see, when someone misses you and thinks about you a lot, their energy is very strong, and it reaches out to you.

In fact, it’s so strong that it can even reach you in your dreams!

When this happens, the person you miss is sending you a message in your dream – they are telling you that they miss you and want to see you.

Of course, this one is not always easy to spot either, because sometimes we are simply the ones who dream about the other person a lot!

But if your dreams about them come up suddenly and unexpectedly – this is another sign that they miss you.

Now: when you have dreams about someone like that, I would look out and make sure you take a look at the actual meaning behind them because dreams have a very specific meaning and can show you a lot about yourself.

For example, if you dream that the person you miss is with another person – this might be a sign that you feel like they cheated on you or left your relationship.

If this is the case, it’s important to look into the dream further and figure out what it means for your own life and thoughts, rather than just assuming they are thinking about you more than they actually are.

3) You feel the need to be with them

If you suddenly find yourself wanting to be with the person you miss, it’s a clear sign that you miss them and that they miss you, too.

The feeling of wanting to be with someone can be intense and sudden.

It doesn’t matter if you broke up with them or they broke up with you – you can still feel this way.

If the person you miss is in your life, you might feel the need to be around them all the time.

But if they aren’t, you might feel a sudden urge to see them or be in the same place as them.

Now: these urges are interesting, they can come out of nowhere and are a pretty good sign that this person misses you a lot, too.

You see, when we miss someone and try to get them back, we often almost manifest them into our lives.

Now: if you are on the receiving end of that deal, you will just notice a sudden pull, or a sudden need to be around that person.

So if you feel like this, it’s a pretty clear sign that they miss you, too.

It’s difficult to differentiate between missing someone and them missing you, at first.

That’s why when I was in that situation, I actually sought out the help of a psychic. I went to Psychic Source, an online service that allows you to talk to a real gifted advisor.

At first, I was a bit skeptical, I’m not gonna lie. I thought: “How could this person possibly help me with my situation?”

But as soon as our reading started, I was blown away.

My psychic was knowledgeable and empathetic, they took their time to listen to my story and they knew details that they couldn’t possibly have guessed.

Then, they explained to me exactly what to look out for when trying to see if they miss me.

They were the ones who inspired this article, without them I wouldn’t have known where to start when it comes to figuring out if they miss me.

If you’re in that situation, I would highly recommend getting a psychic reading. It helped me, I know it can help you, too.

Click here to get your own love reading.

And the best part? They are honest if there is truly no chance for you and the other person anymore!

4) Your eye twitches

If you are suddenly having weird physical symptoms (like an eye twitch), they might be a sign that someone misses you.

These symptoms are often referred to as psychosomatic, meaning your body is reacting in weird ways to something that is going on internally.

If you suddenly notice a weird eye twitch or other physical symptom, it could be a sign that someone misses you.

This doesn’t mean you are crazy – this belief has been around for a long time and in many different cultures!

An eye twitch basically means that someone has you on their mind a lot and that they might miss you.

It’s hard to pinpoint where this belief originated from, but it’s been around for a long time.

In many ancient cultures, when people would have twitching eyes, it was said that someone was missing them.

A lot of the time they’d be told that it was because someone had them on their mind.

I didn’t think this symptom was real until I actually experienced it myself.

The twitches were not terrible, but it was really uncomfortable. It would start out of the blue, and I didn’t have any “normal” triggers of eye twitching, such as:

  • not sleeping enough
  • not enough water
  • stress

It was really weird and I started to get a little worried that I might have something serious, but then my psychic calmed me down, letting me know that this was just yet another symptom.

5) You get sudden mood swings

Sudden mood swings are often a sign that someone misses you.

You may feel happy one second and then suddenly feel angry, sad, or depressed.

This is because your emotions are all over the place and you are missing someone.

If you miss someone a lot, you may notice yourself having sudden mood swings.

These can come out of nowhere and be very intense.

If you experience sudden mood swings, this can be a huge sign that someone misses you.

You see, your intuition and your subconscious are very in tune with what is happening around you energetically.

When someone misses you, they send out so much energy and so many emotions, that that can really have an effect on you.

Of course, this really depends on how empathetic you are, as well.

If you are a very empathetic person, this will affect you even more.

This is why you really need to pay attention to your intuition and your gut feelings.

If you are having sudden mood swings, this can be a sign that someone misses you.

6) You see angel numbers

If someone misses you a lot, you may notice angel numbers around you.

Angel numbers are special numbers you see in the world that represent some sort of divine message.

Sometimes seeing a lot of angel numbers indicates that you miss someone. You might see them on billboards, license plates, and other things around you.

This is because your subconscious is trying to tell you that you miss them and want them in your life.

My psychic from Psychic Source told me all about angel numbers. You see, I was never very knowledgeable about these numbers, I hadn’t given them much thought.

But when my psychic asked me if I had seen any numbers around recently, I realized that I had.

When I told her about the numbers I had seen, she told me that they were indeed angel numbers.

She then told me that they were telling me that someone was about to come back into my life.

My psychic was right, of course, because that’s exactly what ended up happening.

Again, I can’t even stress enough how helpful my psychic was in this entire process.

If you are struggling, I’d highly recommend them!

Click here to get your own love reading.

7) You smile out of the blue

You might notice that you are suddenly smiling all the time for no apparent reason, especially when you are alone.

Sometime when you are alone, you might feel an overwhelming urge to smile.

This is because you miss someone and you are happy that they are on your mind.

You might smile when you are thinking about them or even when you are just sitting there thinking.

If you notice that you are smiling a lot, and only when you are alone, it’s a sign that they miss you.

You are picking up on their energy and let’s be honest – it feels good to be missed.

Your mind loves the fact that you are being missed by someone, and it wants to feel that way all the time.

This is why it does everything in its power to make you happy, even if it means making you smile for no reason.

That’s one of the best signs to be honest!

8) You experience phantom touches

If someone misses you a lot, you may notice that you feel as if someone is touching you.

This is called a “phantom touch” and it can be a sign that you miss someone or that they miss you.

It may feel almost like an itch but on your skin.

This is your subconscious trying to tell you that there is someone who misses you a lot.

Their energy is so strong that they feel as if they are almost physically there.

Now: these phantom touches are not the same as physical touch.

They are not something that you can physically feel.

These phantom touches are only in your mind and heart.

But these touches are still very real because they make you feel good!

Here’s the thing: when someone misses you, they want to be close to you in every way possible.

Even if it is just in your mind.

Now: when that happens, you might want to get back together with them.

I was in that same position and was ready to go.

However, I had just read the book “How to get your ex back“, and I knew there were some things I needed to consider, first.

Had I spent enough time looking inward and evaluating my feelings?

Did I understand why we broke up the first time and would things be different now?

Questions like these were floating through my head and allowed me to stay level-headed throughout the process.

I didn’t jump back into a relationship with them until I felt confident that it was the best thing to do.

That book helped me in so many ways and I am so grateful for it!

What’s important to remember is that even if your ex misses you, sometimes feelings are not enough.

You can miss someone and still be better off without them.

If you are not in a good place, and they are not in a good place, it is often better to move on.

While it’s true that you can’t stop loving someone, you can still learn to love them from afar.

You just have to be open to that possibility.

But it really depends on the person and the situation, of course! Be honest with yourself and see how you feel!

9) You see white feathers a lot

If you miss someone a lot or they miss you, you may notice that you start seeing white feathers around you.

Feathers are often a sign from spirit that someone is thinking about you and misses you.

They can also be a sign that you are looking for love and want someone in your life.

Now: this is another weird one that I didn’t understand at first. However, white feathers are a sign of love and connection.

They can also be a sign that you are ready to move on to the next level in your life.

If you are not sure if you are done with your relationship, this is a sign that you have some work to do.

You need to figure out if you are missing your ex because you are meant to be together or if you are meant to move on.

If you are not sure, this is a sign that you need to figure it out!

Many ancient cultures see white feathers as a sign that someone misses you.

Now: you don’t need to see an actual feather on the ground, although you might.

But you could also spot it in a magazine, a TV show, an ad, or anywhere else!

It’s not about the physical feather, it’s about the idea of the feather.

10) You get goosebumps

If someone misses you a lot, you may notice that you suddenly get goosebumps.

Goosebumps are often a sign that you are experiencing an intense emotion.

If you miss someone a lot and suddenly get goosebumps, it could be a sign that you miss them.

It could also mean that you want them in your life and your subconscious is trying to get that across to you.

If you suddenly get goosebumps when you think about the person you miss, it’s a sign that they miss you, too!

11) You feel happier than usual

If someone misses you, you may suddenly feel happier than usual.

This is because you are thinking about someone you love and realize that they want you in their life, too!

In that case, figure out if you are happier because you are truly moving on, or if you are happier because they miss you and you know you might be together again soon!

12) You hear them

I’m not gonna lie, this next one is a bit freaky.

If someone misses you, you might hear them calling out to you and saying your name.

This could happen in your dreams, or you might hear them call out to you while you are awake.

If you hear someone call out your name, it’s a sign that someone misses you!

They think about you so much that they have manifested into your consciousness, even though they’re not physically there.

This is really strange, but it can happen!

13) You feel grateful for what you have

When someone misses you a lot, you might get sudden bursts of gratitude for what you have!

You may feel grateful for your friends, your family, your home, or anything else that brings you joy.

This is a sign that you are happy and feeling good about the future!

If you feel gratitude for what you have when someone misses you, it could mean they miss you and want to come back into your life.

Your subconscious already knows and is incredibly grateful.

14) You find yourself listening to your favorite songs

When someone misses you, you might notice that you keep hearing the songs you listened to together.

They might be completely random, like on the radio, or while you’re shopping.

When you keep hearing these songs, that can be a sign that someone misses you!

15) You feel their energy

Last but not least, when someone misses you a lot, you will feel their energy.

This is a very strange one, but it can happen!

You will feel like you are being watched or that they are near you even though they aren’t.

It’s a very strange feeling, but it’s still a sign that someone misses you!

You might even feel what they are feeling, which is a really intimate connection!

What are you gonna do?

Now that you know if they miss you or not, what are you gonna do?

As I said, it’s important to figure out what the best thing to do is.

There’s no point in getting your hopes up if they don’t miss you or if they’re not interested in getting back together.

If you aren’t sure, talk to them and find out!

If you want to get back together with them, then make that clear!

If you want to be friends, then let them know that too!

Make sure you are clear about what you want and what you don’t want.

Hopefully, this article helped you figure out if someone misses you or not!

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