When you want your ex back, manifestation is a great tool to get what you want.
Did you know you can manifest your ex back while you sleep?
Yes, you heard me right, you can use your sleepy-time in order to get what you want!
Keep reading to find out how to quickly manifest your ex back overnight!
1) Why manifest your ex back while you sleep?
Before we start, let’s begin with the most important question: why should you even manifest your ex back while you sleep?
Well, to tell you the truth, it just simply saves a lot of time!
If you can manifest while you sleep, you can focus your time awake on other things.
This will help you to speed up the process of getting your ex back.
You don’t have to waste your time daydreaming about how to get your ex back, all you have to do is focus on manifesting your ex back while you sleep.
The quickest way to get what you want is by focusing on it and making it happen.
You don’t have to spend a lot of time doing it either, just make sure that you are prepared and focus on manifesting your ex back.
This will help you in getting what you want within a matter of days.
But time efficiency is not the only reason why you should try this method.
Manifesting your ex back while you sleep can be effective because your subconscious mind is active at night.
You see, manifestation works because of the subconscious mind.
It’s a place where your thoughts are stored, and it holds your desires and goals.
This is why manifestation works at night while you sleep.
When you manifest while you sleep, you are consciously thinking about what you want to manifest, and this will be carried out by the subconscious mind.
You see, right before falling asleep and after waking up, your brain is in the ideal state of receiving or sending out manifestations.
So, there’s truly no better time to manifest!
2) What could prevent this technique from working?
Before you start with all these techniques, understand one thing.
You can only get your ex back if they are willing to get back with you.
Your ex might be in a relationship with someone else or they might have moved on.
That is why it is important to know the state of your ex’s mind.
If your ex wants to get back together with you, these techniques will work. But if your ex is happy with their current relationship, you will only waste your time and energy.
You see, even with the wonders of manifestation, there is still such a thing as free will.
Your ex might still be with someone else or they might have moved on.
If this is the case, you will need to ask yourself if you are willing to give up on your ex.
If you are, then these techniques will be perfect for you to manifest someone else into your life.
You see, your ex is not the only person on this planet who can make you happy, so if you feel like they are not in a position to get back with you, maybe focus these techniques on finding your soulmate, instead.
Okay, let’s get into it:
3) How can you manifest your ex while you sleep?
1) Visualize the two of you getting back together
Visualization is the most important aspect of manifestation, whether that’s in your sleep or while you’re awake.
In reality, visualization is nothing else other than picturing a certain situation in your mind.
It is a way to let your subconscious know exactly what you want, and it’s a way to get it done.
If you’re looking for ways to manifest your ex back into your life, visualization is the key!
You can do this by picturing them getting back together with you.
This will help the subconscious mind to remember that this is what you want and it will be carried out by the brain in a matter of seconds after you fall asleep.
Close your eyes and think about the two of you together.
See yourself in a happy relationship with your ex. Bring up your ex’s image in your mind, the way they look, their smell, the sound of their voice, everything.
How do you feel at this moment?
Now visualize the two of you getting back together.
Hold this visualization for at least 5 minutes and when you feel ready, open your eyes and get back to your everyday life.
Now: because we are trying to manifest overnight, it is best to do this visualization right before you go to sleep.
This will help your subconscious to already be in the right state of mind to accept the outcome when it occurs.
This is also a great way to get rid of your fears of rejection.
When you are falling asleep, the mind is not in a rational state, and therefore it can easily accept what you want to manifest.
It’s best to do this visualization right before bed, and then let your subconscious take over in your sleep.
2) Ask a gifted advisor for help
The points in this article will give you a good idea of manifesting your ex back in your sleep.
But as every situation is unique, have you considered getting advice tailored to you?
Based on first-hand experience, I know that a gifted advisor can answer all sorts of questions and give you the guidance you’re searching for.
Like, can you really manifest them? Are you meant to be with them?
When I spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my relationship, they really helped me out. After months of not feeling like myself, I was finally able to see my situation with better clarity and direction.
I was extremely impressed by how kind, empathetic, and understanding of my unique situation they were.
Click here to get your own reading.
In a reading, a gifted advisor can tell you whether you can manifest them back, and most importantly, empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love.
3) Use positive affirmations about your ex
Another method to manifest overnight is through affirmations.
Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself over and over again.
They are a great way to get the mind of your subconscious to accept the situation that you want to manifest.
It is best to use these affirmations as many times as you can throughout the day.
These statements will help your mind believe that this is what’s happening, and it will be carried out by the brain in a matter of seconds after you fall asleep.
You can use affirmations like “I am attracting my ex back into my life” or “my ex will want me back“.
Write down positive affirmations about your ex being the right partner for you.
For example, write “we are meant to be together” or “our relationship is meant to last”.
You see, when you use affirmations, you are killing two birds with one stone.
Not only are you aligning your subconscious with your desired outcome, but you are also fighting limiting beliefs.
Limiting beliefs are usually what prevents our manifestations from happening.
For example, if you believe that you are not good enough for the person you want to be with, then your subconscious will not want to manifest you two being together.
This is because you believe you are not compatible and they are going to break up with you anyway.
So let’s use this example: You feel that you’re not good enough for your ex, so write down “I am good enough”.
Write down your affirmations as many times as possible throughout the day.
You can also make these affirmations into positive statements by using positive words like “I am attracting my ex back into my life” or “my ex will want me back”.
These affirmations will be the key to manifesting what you want and simultaneously feeling better and more confident.
You see, limiting beliefs can really take a toll on your self-image, so using affirmations is a great way to get over them and feel good about yourself.
This will also help you to fall asleep easily since you are happier about your life and what you want for it.
You will be able to manifest overnight because of these affirmations, as well as feeling better about yourself.
Affirmations can be used in many different ways and can really help you manifest overnight.
4) Repeat affirmations often and write them by hand
When you want your ex back, you need to be positive about it.
Otherwise, if you keep your negative thoughts, you will push them further away.
When you want your ex back, repeat the positive affirmations often.
You can also write them down by hand.
Writing by hand releases oxytocin, which is a hormone that makes you feel excited and confident.
But not just that, writing by hand also programs things into your subconscious mind more easily.
This is why you retain more information when you write things by hand as opposed to the computer.
So, in order for your affirmations to work, write them down by hand and repeat them as often as possible.
Some good ideas are putting them on sticky notes and placing them all over your house so that you see them every day.
You will get a better focus if you see affirmations everywhere, and the more often you see them the more effective they become.
So, write your affirmations by hand and place them all over your home and workplace to see them every day.
Or, if you don’t want them out in the open, write your affirmations down in your diary/journal/journaling book and read them every day.
5) Listen to subliminals about manifesting your ex back before you go to sleep
Subliminals are recordings that are played in the background while you are doing something else.
For example, you can listen to subliminals about getting your ex back while you are sleeping.
This is a great technique that can really help you get quick results.
When you listen to subliminals, your subconscious mind gets activated.
It is like giving instructions to your mind while you are sleeping. That is why it is important to choose the right subliminal.
When you find a subliminal that is targeted at getting your ex back, play it as you fall asleep.
The result? Your subconscious mind will be programmed to manifest your ex back without you having to consciously think about it.
It is a powerful technique that gets results quickly.
There are many different subliminal programs, and you can pick the one you like.
Once you find one you like, make sure that you listen to it every single night along with doing all these other things we are suggesting here.
I mentioned earlier how speaking to a gifted advisor can reveal the truth about manifesting your ex back.
Rather than just analyzing the signs in the hopes of getting answers, a gifted advisor can give you real clarity on your situation.
And the best part of speaking to the folks at Psychic Source?
Not only can they give you guidance on manifesting your ex back, but they can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to every aspect of your love life.
Click here to get your own love reading.
6) Journal in your diary before you sleep
Many people journal their thoughts and feelings.
Journaling your thoughts and feelings about your ex is a great way to get what you want.
When you journal your thoughts and feelings, you let go of the negative energy.
This is a great way to get what you want when you want your ex back.
You see, when we write things down, we can process our emotions, so you can get rid of any doubts that are still holding you back!
But that’s not all!
You can also create a manifestation journal.
This means you are writing diary entries about what you are trying to manifest as if it already happened!
So, for example, you write about a day in your life already being with your ex again, as if your manifestation has come true.
This is a great technique for getting what you want, fast.
You can also write about how your ex is feeling about you and what he/she is thinking about you.
These are great things to know when you are trying to get your ex back.
The best thing is that this technique will get you excited and will help you feel all the emotions of your manifestation coming true, which is the key to it working!
You can write before bed to really get your imagination going.
So if you want to get your ex back, write about it.
Write down all the things that you have been thinking about your ex and how you are going to get them back.
7) Put your manifestation journal under your pillow
When you want your ex back and you have tried everything, you can try this technique.
Put your manifestation journal under your pillow. While you are sleeping, you will be more likely to think about the things in your journal!
This is a great technique that will help you get quick results.
When you have written down your thoughts, you can forget about them.
But when you write them down under your pillow, they will become clear in your dreams.
The universe will then work towards making your dreams come true.
Putting your journal under your pillow is also just a great ritual that is letting your mind know that tonight you are manifesting.
You see, when you have certain cues, that will help your brain manifest even quicker, especially as you become more experienced!
The quickest way to get your ex back is to put your journal under your pillow.
8) Think about it last thing at night and first thing in the morning
Many people don’t think about what they want.
They just want it and assume it will happen. When you want your ex back, you need to think about it.
Visualize the two of you together again, imaging how happy you are.
Think about it last thing at night and first thing in the morning.
Why at those times? Well, that is actually when your subconscious mind is the most receptive to manifestations!
Think about how much your ex loves you and how much you love your ex.
This is a great way to bring the two of you together again.
You can even write in your journal about how happy you are and what this will mean for you two.
Write down all the reasons why you want to get your ex back so that they are clear in your mind.
Let yourself know that this is what you want and that it is going to happen.
Using the magical time right before you fall asleep and right after you wake up is crucial in order to be successful in your manifestation.
4) How long does it take to manifest your ex back?
Manifesting your ex back might take a few days or a couple of weeks.
But whenever you want something, you have to keep the faith.
Don’t lose hope and keep working towards manifesting your dream.
When you want your ex back, you have to believe you will get them back.
If you doubt, it will take longer to get your ex back.
You see, if you don’t believe in the universe or have doubts, you are sabotaging your own manifestation!
Manifesting your ex back might take a few days or a couple of weeks.
Once you set yourself a time frame, you are already slowing down the process.
The universe doesn’t work on a clock, and it might be faster than you think!
All you have to do is surrender to the fact that you can’t control the specifics, and then let go of the outcome.
5) How can you speed up the process?
When you want your ex back, it might take time. But there are ways to speed up the process.
When you want your ex back, really feel the emotions connected to the manifestation.
For example, if you want your ex back and you are sad, angry, or regretful about how things ended, you will attract the wrong person.
Really feel the positive emotions like love and joy when you want your ex back. This will help you get your ex back faster.
Think about your manifestation coming true and what emotions will flood you at that moment:
- love
- joy
- happiness
- feeling safe
- feeling loved
- feeling wanted
- etc.
Now; don’t just think about it, but really let yourself feel these things at the core of your being.
Trust me, this will help you manifest your ex back super quickly!
You got this
If you have tried everything and nothing is working, you can try these techniques.
When you want your ex back, it is important to keep the faith.
Don’t lose hope and keep working towards manifesting your dream.
When you want your ex back, really feel the emotions connected to the manifestation and trust the universe to do the rest.
I know, it can be frustrating to have to wait for things to come to fruition, but I promise you, if you follow the tips of this article and don’t sabotage yourself by losing hope, you can manifest your ex back in your sleep!
Whatever happens, remember that the universe is conspiring for your highest good and whatever happens is meant to be!
I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. They’ve always helped me in the past when I’ve felt stuck in a rut.
That’s why I always recommend them to anyone facing issues with manifestation.
Their advisors can help you get to the root of your problems and guide you in making empowered decisions about your future.
When I recently signed up for a love reading, I was blown away by how accurate and genuinely helpful it was.