We all want to feel more connected to the world around us. But becoming one with the universe isn’t something easy.
Understanding the way the universe works and reuniting with it is something that can profoundly change our existence for the better.
But how can you become one with the universe? Here are 12 tips to get you started.
1) Start observing the world around you
Are you aware of all the things happening around you? Do you ever stop to consider that everything is happening at the same time?
If you’re trying to become one with the universe, that’s the thing you should start with.
The first step to becoming one with the universe is to keep observing the world around you.
Many people are so caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life that they forget to take note of the things nearby and around them.
But you know what?
One of the easiest ways to become one with the universe is by being more aware of the natural world around you.
The thing is that we live on a beautiful planet where nature has created countless things for us to observe. By keeping an open mind and observing your surroundings, you’ll become one with the universe a lot faster.
So, just think about everything that is happening around you. Think about how time changes and how everything is happening at the same time.
You’ll be amazed by how much more in tune you become with the world around you. And you’ll find yourself becoming one with the universe as well.
But how can you start?
Just try this simple exercise: walk out into public wearing blinders or earmuffs or some other kind of eye mask on your head (try not to look at people).
Then watch for about 15 minutes as people walk by you (don’t worry if no one talks to you).
Watch people, animals, and plants and start noticing how they are going about their day. How do they move? What do they do? What is their purpose?
This will help you learn how other people’s lives are going without seeing them directly. You’ll begin to look at your own life from outside yourself!
2) Connect with nature
Have you ever considered connecting with nature when you want to become one with the universe?
If not, you should know that being connected to nature will help you realize how everything in the world is connected.
Nature is a great teacher. It’s not only beautiful, but it’s also very wise.
And guess what?
Being connected to nature will help you realize how everything in the world is interconnected and how all living and non-living things are dependent on each other.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, this, in turn, will help you achieve your precious goal and become one with the universe.
But how do we connect with nature?
There are many ways to connect with nature, but here are some of our favorites:
- Go for a walk or hike in the woods;
- Go camping or backpacking;
- Go for a swim or get involved with any kind of outdoor activities;
- Watch birds and animals (if possible);
- Grow your own food;
- Get involved with gardening;
- Take up meditation or yoga, and so on…
It doesn’t matter what way you choose to connect with nature.
The important thing is that you start connecting with nature and that you keep doing it.
The more often you do this, the easier it will become, and soon enough, you’ll be connected to nature like never before.
And you’ll start to realize how everything in the world is interconnected and how all living things are interdependent on each other.
So, keep in mind that there are many different ways to connect with nature, and there are plenty of them out there!
Choose one of these things that suits you best!
You’ll be amazed by how much more in tune you become with the world around you!
3) What would a gifted advisor suggest?
The points in this article will give you a good idea of how you can become one with the universe.
But as every situation is unique, have you considered getting advice tailored to you?
Based on first-hand experience, I know that a gifted advisor can answer all sorts of questions and give you the guidance you’re searching for.
Like, can you become one with the universe? Are you on the right path?
When I spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my relationship, they really helped me out. After months of not feeling like myself, I was finally able to see my situation with better clarity and direction.
I was extremely impressed by how kind, empathetic, and understanding of my unique situation they were.
Click here to get your own reading.
In a reading, a gifted advisor can help you figure out the ways to become one with the universe, and, most importantly, empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to your spiritual life.
4) Start observing your thoughts in real-time
The next step is to start observing your thoughts in real time.
There are certain things that you need to pay attention to in order to become one with the universe.
What I mean here is that you need to pay attention to the way your thoughts are moving.
Do you have negative thoughts? Do you have self-destructive thoughts? Do you have “I can’t do this” thoughts?
If so, your mind is not yet one with the universe. It’s still a separate entity within your consciousness.
But if you can learn how to observe your thoughts in real time, that’s a big step towards becoming one with the universe.
You’ll be able to see more clearly what’s really going on in your mind, and then start making changes accordingly.
Why is this so important?
Well, it’s because you’ll be able to make better decisions and become more in tune with nature.
Let me explain in more detail.
You may think that your thoughts are private, but they aren’t. They are like clouds in the sky – they exist right now, not when you want them to be there.
So, start paying attention to what you’re thinking about at any given moment, and notice how often negative thoughts come up.
You’ll be amazed by how much more in tune you become with the world around you!
And you’ll start to realize how everything in the world is interconnected and how all living things are interdependent on each other.
5) Use music to reconnect with your inner self
On a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy listening to music?
Even if your answer is 10, chances are that you aren’t aware of how much it can help you to become one with the universe.
The truth is that music has the ability to stir up emotions. Especially music that’s created with a lot of passion behind it.
There are a lot of artists in the world who have found a way to touch the core of our being with their music.
That’s why we frequently listen to their songs when we’re feeling lonely or in need of inspiration.
When you’re feeling disconnected from the universe, use music to reconnect with your inner self.
Listen to music that resonates with you. Music has helped people overcome their struggles.
So, listen to as much music as you can. There are many genres out there, and something is bound to grab your attention.
6) Reflect on your own existence and life purpose
One of the easiest ways to become one with the universe is by reflecting on your own existence.
Let me show you how this works.
We’re all part of the universe, right? But our roles are different.
The sun is there to give us light and warmth. The stars are there to guide us on our journeys through life. The trees and plants are there to create a balance in nature.
As you reflect on your own existence and the role you play in the universe, you’ll feel a deeper connection with the world around you.
You’ll begin to notice things around you that you’ve never seen before.
Believe it or not, we all have a unique purpose in life. That purpose is something that only you can discover deep inside yourself.
And you know what?
Once you find what your life’s purpose is, you’ll feel more at one with the universe.
Keep in mind that there are two types of people in the world:
- People who are always busy and never take a moment to stop and think about their life purpose.
- People who think deeply about their life purpose, but don’t have any idea how to manifest it into reality.
If you fall into the first category, be ready because you’re going to be one with the universe soon enough.
But if you’re in the second category, I have some good news for you!
You can change your life story and make it a positive one by learning how to manifest your life purpose.
You’ll also learn how to have more faith in yourself and to start living with passion!
So, what are you waiting for?
Start making changes that will help you get closer to your ultimate goal!
7) Breathe deeply
Breathing is an essential part of life, right?
By connecting with the universal flow of breath, you’ll bring more life-giving energy into your own body and mind. Y
You can do this through simple breathing exercises. You can even do it while you’re sitting at your desk.
The great thing about breathing exercises is that you can do them anywhere and at any time.
There’s no need to find a quiet spot or interrupt your busy schedule to reconnect with your inner self.
But if you’re wondering why this is so important, here’s what you should know:
At a time when I was dealing with a myriad of emotions and anxieties, I was introduced to an incredibly invigorating breathwork video, created by the shaman Rudá Iandê.
Now you might be wondering, how can breathwork help you become one with the universe?
Well, through the breathwork sequences Rudá has created in this life-changing video, you’ll learn to breathe through your emotions, taking back control over your actions and reactions.
But most importantly, you’ll gain a better understanding of your mind and body.
And yes, it really is as simple as taking a breath.
So why am I so confident this will help you?
Well, Rudá isn’t just your average shaman. He’s spent years combining ancient shamanic healing traditions with breathwork techniques to create this unique flow.
This sequence is my go-to whenever I need to stop, reset, and reconnect with myself.
So if you’re ready to take a step towards reconnecting with yourself and injecting a breath of fresh air into your life, check out Rudá’s excellent breathwork flow.
Click here to watch the free video.
8) Do a good deed for someone
When was the last time you did something good for someone else?
This might sound a little cliché, but doing a good deed for someone is one of the best ways to reconnect with the universe.
We often get so caught up in our own problems and struggles that we forget to be kind and compassionate to others.
But guess what?
By doing a good deed for someone, you’ll become more aware of the people around you. You’ll find more purpose in helping others.
Unfortunately, it’s so easy to spend our days doing things that we don’t want to do. But at the same time, it’s extremely hard to find the motivation to do something that will make a difference in someone else’s life.
But when you find the motivation and drive to start doing good deeds, you’ll quickly realize how rewarding it can be.
You can do a good deed for anyone, whether they’re a stranger or someone you know. You don’t have to do anything major.
As a result, you’ll also feel more connected with other people and their lives.
And by being more connected with other people, you’ll be able to see their lives from a different perspective and have a better understanding of what they need.
Don’t forget that even the simplest act of kindness can make you feel more at one with the universe.
9) Be present at the moment
Do you understand the true meaning of the phrase “here and now moment”?
When you’re present in the moment, you’re fully aware of where you are and what you’re doing. You can’t be distracted by your past or future.
The best way to become more present is to stop thinking about all the things that need to be done and start thinking about how to enjoy yourself.
That’s when your mind will start relaxing and letting go of any thoughts that distract you from what’s going on right now.
But how is this related to becoming one with the universe?
Well, the universe is constantly shifting and evolving. It’s always changing and morphing into something new.
That’s why it’s important to be aware of the present moment. That’s where you can truly connect with the universe.
You can do this by practicing mindfulness. You can even do it while you’re sitting at your desk.
The great thing about mindfulness is that it’s something you can do anywhere and at any time.
There’s no need to find a quiet spot or interrupt your busy schedule to become one with the universe.
Of course, sitting with your eyes closed and trying to focus on something other than what’s happening in the present moment can be extremely difficult.
But one of the best ways to reconnect with your inner self is by being present. This means you’re fully aware of what’s happening at the moment without any distractions.
10) Let go of your expectations
We all have expectations. We all build our lives around what we expect it to be like, and then when we don’t get what we expected, we feel disappointed and angry.
When you expect something good to happen in your life, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
And when this happens, you can’t help but start feeling angry at yourself and even more disappointed with yourself.
But can I be totally honest with you?
If you want to reunite with the universe, you need to let go of these expectations.
When you let go of your expectations and embrace change, you’ll feel more at one with the universe.
The universe has a certain flow and cycle. It has positive and negative energy. It ebbs and flows. It’s constantly shifting and changing.
That’s why it’s important to let go of your expectations and embrace change. You’ll feel more at one with the universe once you do this.
There are two ways of dealing with expectations: either letting go of them completely or accepting them as they are and working towards changing them into something better.
But either way, it’s important that you don’t allow your expectations to control your actions or thoughts anymore.
Instead, allow yourself to be open-minded about whatever happens in your life without having any preconceived notions about what is going to happen next.
11) Start meditating
Another functional way to become one with the universe is to meditate.
Meditation has been known to improve mental and physical health, reduce stress, and even cure diseases such as cancer.
That’s why meditation can help with your goal of becoming one with the universe as well.
There are many different kinds of meditation and they all serve one purpose:
Connecting us to ourselves.
And this will help us realize that
- We are not our thoughts;
- We are not our emotions;
- We are not our bodies;
- We are not our minds…
We’re something much more than these things!
But what kind of meditation should you be practicing? How does it work? What does it achieve? And what steps should you follow along the way?
Just start meditating on nature.
The beauty of nature is something everyone should see. Nature is everywhere, and it’s part of our existence.
When we see it, we feel a sense of calmness, but we also connect with it and feel a sense of unity with everything else.
And this will soon help you to become one with nature.
12) Trust the universe
And the final tip for those who’re trying to become one with the universe is to trust the universe.
Trust in the universe is a very important thing. It’s something you should have from the beginning of your journey, not something that you get later on.
Because everything is interconnected in some way. Nothing is ever stagnant or still.
That’s why it’s important to trust the universe.
You can do this by trusting your instincts. Trusting your instincts and following your gut feeling is key to becoming one with the universe.
You can’t force anything in life. You have to let things happen naturally. You have to trust that the universe is working in your favor.
When we trust in the universe, we feel at one with it and can let go of our expectations about what’s going to happen next.
We begin to accept whatever comes our way without any preconceived notions about what’s going to happen next.
In this way, we’re not trying to control where life takes us or how it unfolds in front of us.
Life is happening as it should be happening, and all we need to do is accept everything that happens and let go of our expectations and preconceived notions about what will happen next.
Over time, you’ll learn to trust the universe. You’ll learn that you can’t control everything. And this will help you to finally become one with the universe.
Final words
All in all, becoming one with the universe is not an easy task, but it’s definitely worth the effort.
By becoming one with the universe, you can truly experience life. You can truly be in the moment and feel a deeper connection with your surroundings.
But if you still have some doubts, here’s what I suggest:
I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. They’ve always helped me in the past when I’ve felt stuck in a rut.
That’s why I always recommend them to anyone facing issues with their spiritual lives.
Their advisors can help you get to the root of your problems and guide you in making empowered decisions about your future.
When I recently signed up for a love reading, I was blown away by how accurate and genuinely helpful it was.