11 ways God can bring someone back into your life

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Have you ever felt like someone you loved has left your life forever? You may have been praying for them and hoping they’ll come back someday.

Thankfully, God is able to bring people back into our lives in ways that we could not plan or expect.

Here are 10 ways that God can bring someone back into your life if they’ve left it once and for all.

1) He doesn’t force anything

God doesn’t force anything.

He lets it happen naturally, but always in his timing.

He might be waiting for that person to come to terms with what happened and to heal before bringing them back.

He could be waiting for you to grow and change into a healthy place before you are ready to have that person back in your life.

If you’re wondering when God will bring that person back into your life, the only answer is when he is ready.

Remember to trust God completely.

Let go of the need to control everything and surrender to his will. There is no good in trying to force it. If it is meant to happen, it will happen.

When God wants to bring someone back into your life, he will not force anything.

This also means that you shouldn’t force anything.

You see, I understand that if you really want to be with someone, you might feel like you have to force things to happen, but you will never be able to force anything.

You might get frustrated and angry, but you will never be able to force anything.

If you want it to happen, it will happen. If you don’t want it to happen, then it won’t happen. You can’t keep someone in your life by forcing them to stay there.

It is important for us to trust God completely so that we can wait for his timing and not try to force things into happening.

2) There is healing

If they left you because of something you did or because they needed time away, you need to heal.

You can’t expect them to come back to you before you’ve done the work to make yourself whole again.

You must do the necessary work to become the best version of yourself that you can be.

You must be able to forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made.

If you find yourself constantly thinking about the person, if you want to contact them but don’t know how, or if you are still holding onto guilt and shame, it might be a sign that you need to heal.

You see, God will only bring someone back into your life if you have healed and become the best version of yourself that you can be.

You can’t expect to be with them unless you have healed your heart and become the best version of yourself.

If you aren’t able to forgive yourself for the mistakes you’ve made, then there is no point in trying to be with them again.

If they left because they needed time away, then it is important to make sure that you are OK before making plans to see each other again.

You see, trying to be with someone again before you are fully healed is never a good idea.

3) A real psychic confirms it

The points in this article will give you a good idea of how God brings people back into your life.

But as every situation is unique, have you considered getting advice tailored to you?

Based on first-hand experience, I know that a gifted advisor can answer all sorts of questions and give you the guidance you’re searching for.

Like, are they really your soulmate? Are you meant to be with them?

When I spoke to someone from Psychic Source after going through a rough patch in my relationship, they really helped me out.

After months of not feeling like myself, I was finally able to see my situation with better clarity and direction.

I was extremely impressed by how kind, empathetic, and understanding of my unique situation they were.

Click here to get your own reading.

In a reading, a gifted advisor can tell you whether God will bring someone back into your life, and most importantly, empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to love.

4) He brings them back for closure

Sometimes, people leave our lives because they need closure.

Perhaps they want to see you one last time so they can say goodbye properly.

You may have ended the relationship for whatever reason.

Maybe you weren’t the right person for them or it wasn’t working out.

They may have left because you were not ready for a commitment or because you couldn’t be in a relationship at the time.

If you broke up with them or ended things, they might come back because they want closure.

They want to know that you are okay. They want to know that you are happy without them. They want to know that they didn’t break you.

Or maybe, you need closure from them.

Either way, God will bring them back so you can say goodbye properly.

Sometimes, people leave our lives because they need closure from us.

If you need closure from them, God will bring them back for you to say goodbye properly.

He will bring them back so that you can be free of the pain and sadness that they caused.

You see, we all have pain and sadness in our lives from time to time.

We all have things that cause us pain or sadness.

If a person leaves your life for whatever reason, God will bring them back so that you can say goodbye properly and have closure once and for all.

5) You get a new beginning

This doesn’t necessarily apply just to a breakup of a relationship.

It is also applicable if a close friend has left your life.

Perhaps they moved away, or maybe their life got busy and you don’t see each other as often as you used to.

You may think that you will never see them again.

You may be worried that they are gone for good.

You see, you might feel like the friendship or relationship is over and there is nothing you can do about it.

You may feel like there is no way to resolve the situation or that it is too late.

God can bring them back into your life in a new way.

He can bring you together as friends again, minus the parts where things turned awkward and strange.

Or maybe he brings them back as a partner, offering you a new beginning.

Maybe they will be in a new relationship and you can be the person they call to talk to when they need someone to listen.

Maybe God brings them back into your life as a mentor.

You see, God can bring people back into our lives in a new way that is beneficial to us.

We don’t always know what way that will be, but it will be good.

6) God has given you the necessary peace to have them back

You have to have a peaceful connection with the person who left your life. You have to be at peace with it. You have to be at peace with them. You have to be at peace with yourself. If you aren’t at peace with what happened, they won’t come back. If you haven’t forgiven yourself or if you are still angry with them, they won’t come back. If you feel guilty about how things ended, if you feel shame for any reason, if you are still blaming yourself or them, they won’t come back.

7) The timing is right

Sometimes, a person comes back into your life at the perfect time.

They might be in the same place you were when you two were together.

They may know that it is the right time for them to come back.

If the timing is right, if both of you are in a good place and ready for a relationship, you might feel drawn to have them back in your life.

You see, God works that way.

He will bring someone back into your life if the timing is right.

He will bring them back if you are ready for them to come back.

He will bring them back if you are in a good place and feel like you can be friends or partners again.

This is beautiful and it helps you to know that now is a perfect time.

8) God knows it won’t hurt anyone to bring them back into your life

If you have a friend who has left your life, but you are desperate to have them back in it, you must forgive yourself and them.

You must move on and let go. You must release any guilt, shame, or regret that keeps you from having them back.

You have to move forward in your life. You have to be open to all the possibilities that God has for you.

He knows everything about you and your friend.

He knows that it won’t hurt anyone to bring them back into your life. He knows how much it would mean to you and how much it would mean to your friend.

If he brings someone back into your life, you can be sure that it will be a good thing.

God knows that, and He wants you to have what you want.

He wants you to have peace. He wants you to have joy. He wants you to have the happiness that comes from being with someone who is not only compatible with you but who accepts and loves you too.

If God brings your friend back into your life, it won’t be because he or she is doing anything wrong. It will be because God knows that it would mean so much for both of you.

And the best part?

You will be so good to each other, and nobody will get hurt in the process.

So, if God brings someone back to you, believe him and accept it!

I mentioned earlier how speaking to a gifted advisor can reveal the truth about God bringing people back to you.

Rather than just analyzing the signs in the hopes of getting answers, a gifted advisor can give you real clarity on your situation.

And the best part of speaking to the folks at Psychic Source?

Not only can they give you guidance on what God has planned for you, but they can empower you to make the right decisions when it comes to every aspect of your love life.

Click here to get your own love reading.

9) Nothing is hindering your connection

If you want to reconnect with someone, but there is something in the way, such as unspoken feelings, fear of rejection, or something else is keeping you from having that connection, it might be time for God to bring that person into your life again.

If there is something blocking your connection, God can use that to bring that person back into your life.

If there is an unresolved issue between you, if there is something you need to say or do, if there is something you need to forgive, if there is something you need to let go of, God can bring that person into your life for the right reasons.

You see, God will bring a person back into your life, and nothing will be hindering it.

Maybe the reason they left your life is now not relevant anymore, and you finally have no more obstacles in your way!

Or perhaps they’re back because there’s something God can use to help you move forward.

Maybe they’re back to help you forgive someone who has hurt you.

Or maybe they’re back to help you heal a wound that has been festering for far too long.

God brings people into your life for your highest good, but sometimes that person might not realize why he or she is there at first.

You must be patient and give God the time He needs to bring the person back into your life in the right way, at the right time, and in the right place.

And if you are wondering what it will take for God to bring them back, remember this: God knows everything about you and your friend, including their feelings, and how much it would mean to both of you if they were brought back together again.

10) You are both mature and healthy for each other right now

This applies to any situation. You may have been friends for a long time and want to take it to the next level.

You might want to be in a relationship with someone you have been friends with for a long time, but you aren’t sure if they are ready.

You might have been in a serious relationship with someone and broken up.

See, you might have dated someone and ended things, but you want to try again.

Or maybe you might have dated someone in the past and have been thinking about dating them again.

No matter what situation you are in, if it is meant to happen, God can bring the right person back into your life.

When God brings someone back into your life, it is a gift that you must cherish.

These people are meant to have a place in your life.

They are meant to be a part of your journey.

You are meant to learn from them and grow with them.

You are meant to be their strength when they need it and for them to be yours when you need it.

And the best part? Having God bring someone back into your life is a sign that you have grown and are more mature now, so it is okay to take the relationship to the next level.

11) You experience forgiveness

If you have any resentment, bitterness, or anger toward the person who left you, you must forgive them.

You need to let go of it before you can be ready to have them back in your life.

You must learn to forgive yourself and move on.

If you have issues that need to be resolved, you must work through them before God can bring that person back into your life.

You must be ready to let them back in.

Forgiveness doesn’t happen overnight. It is a process that you must work through.

You might have to go to therapy or find a support group to help you through it.

You must forgive yourself, but you also have to forgive them. You must let go of the anger and resentment you have toward them.

You see, forgiveness is important whether they come back into your life or not.

Yes, even if you never want to see someone again, you should focus on forgiving them.

You must do this because it will make you a better person.

If you don’t forgive them, it will make your heart heavier and you will be stuck in the past.

You see, if you hold onto anger and resentment toward someone who has left your life, it is a sign that you haven’t forgiven them.

That is why forgiveness is important whether they come back into your life or not. You must forgive yourself for the mistakes that you have made and move on.

God knows that too, which is why he will only bring someone back if you have fully forgiven them.

What now?

Don’t get impatient if God doesn’t immediately bring someone back into your life.

Just have faith that He is working in the right way to bring them back.

And if you are wondering what it will take for God to bring them back, remember this: God knows everything about you and this other person, including their feelings, and how much it would mean to both of you if they were brought back together again.

I mentioned Psychic Source earlier. They’ve always helped me in the past when I’ve felt stuck in a rut.

That’s why I always recommend them to anyone facing issues with bringing people back into their life.

Their advisors can help you get to the root of your problems and guide you in making empowered decisions about your future.

When I recently signed up for a love reading, I was blown away by how accurate and genuinely helpful it was.

Click here to get your own love reading.

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